My Family
Flying Boe
Woof, woof. My name is Boe. I am in Heaven now. This is my story. One day whilst still a pup, this guy came to see us. That is, all ten of us. He cuddled all of us for about an hour, then went away. Some weeks later he came back and took me home. I live with his three cats. Beaver, Evan and Rickie. Like my master, I learnt to fly radio control aircraft. 'Dog Fighting' is my specialty. (Sadly, Boe died from a suspected snake bite in the 2000s.)
Leaping Sasha
Woof, woof. My name is Sasha. I was given to Ian in 2008 at the age of 2 years old. One day he gave me this toy to play with and I took to it immediately. They call it a frizbee and I love it. Watch me fly like Superman.
Sasha atop a high cliff along the coast of Bass Strait, region of Bass Coast, town of Anderson, state of Victoria, country of Australia. Sasha was around 6 years old when this photo was taken and she was 13 years old when this photo was uploaded in 2019. This is one of my favourite locations.
Getting to know each other
Sasha, Little Beav (grey) and Matty (ginger).